Saturday, January 29, 2011

King of all Burgers

Hey everyone! , well Speedy and I finally found the perfect recipe for our Fast Food Restaurant " Mac Speedy " , the King Burger which is a very big burger honestly I don't think anyone could eat a whole one , but oh well there is always couples who share it I guess, Just for you to know the burger include two buns, five tomatoes slices, four cheese pieces, four pickles and four meat burgers. But at the Cooking book you would only need for one steak, one cheese and one bread. (Doesn't fit very well ) Just for you to know Speedy didn't taste it cause we want you to taste it first. So the first one which comment below will taste Speedy first King Burger.

Speedy next to the King Burger


  1. *Susan takes a bite of the Huge King Burger*

    Speedy should eat the King Burger, the little burger is too cute to eat.

  2. That probably the cause of emptiness at Mac Speedy the Burgers are to cute to eat. Although Speedy will never eat meat. He think the burger looks good.

  3. Oh. *Susan eats all the meat in the King Burger* Susan is now full. :)

  4. I hope she enjoyed :) , Come back to Mac Speedy soon.
