Monday, October 25, 2010

Speedy's Innocent Bunny Is Ruined

Speedy today went to the toy box and took his bunny to the neighborhood to play with him, He just love to play on the street.

I just know how he love to play with his other friends, but suddenly he saw that his Innocent Bunny plushie have been ruined , Speedy didn't understand how this could happened When he left the bunny in the box last night It was just okay?, Or Speedy might lying?

Anyway it's going to be a hard work to fix him.
-Put the bunny eyes into place, Fix the ear, Fix the head, fix the leg and so many more!


  1. Susan is starting to get very suspicious about the bunny.

    I wonder what you may get Speedy?

  2. I don't know what to be suspicious with the bunny, It's just a doll,I suspicious with Speedy friends.

  3. Hey, I guess your pet lied :p

    Anyways, OK, Follow Blog each other? :)

  4. I sorry but I not follow blogs, I just hate when my Email get spammed, If you mean to Blogroll each other then okay. be aware my Blogroll is on the right side of the page, I expect for mine blog to showed in same place.

  5. And Prince of Ice, I just have to say that Speedy will never lie to me.
