Saturday, March 12, 2011

St Patricks Day Mystery Box

Speedy is really disappointed today , he was really hoping for an exciting Patrick Day with lot of green items , balloons and especially a big Party but all I found from the shops that have any relate to Patrick Day was this
St Patricks Day Mystery Box - '?' Told me that it include previous items of the St. Patrick Day an other disappointing cause Speedy and I was at Pet Society last year celebrating the St Patricks Day. Lets just hope that next year would get better - Speedy and I thought it a better idea just to keep the box not opened the only item that can remind us this year Patricks Day.

Speedy next to the St Patricks Day Mystery Box


  1. That box makes a nice deco under the Christmas tree though :D

  2. Ohh such a brilliant idea , will do so next christmas.
